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Heimskautalöndin eru að breytast
eftir Mark Nuttall
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Stutt heimildaskrá til að benda lesandanum á ítarlegri upplýsingar
  Caulfield, Richard A. 1997 Greenlanders, whales and whaling [Grænlendingar, hvalir og hvalveiðar] . Hanover: University of New England Press
  Chaturvedi, Sanjay 1996 The Polar Regions [Pólsvæðin]. Chichester: John Wiley
  Graham, B. 1997. Canada and the Circumpolar World: meeting the challenges of co-operation into the twenty-first century.
  Report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa. [Kanada og svæðin umhverfis norðurpólinn: að bregðast við krefjandi samstarfsverkefnum á 21. öldinni. Skýrsla fastanefndar neðri deildar þingsins í utanríkismálum og alþjóðaviðskiptum]
  Nuttall, Mark 1998 Protecting the Arctic [Að vernda heimskautalöndin]. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers
  Osherenko, Gail and Oran Young 1989 The Age of the Arctic [Tími heimskautalandanna]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  Sklair, Leslie 1991 The Sociology of the Global System [Félagsfræði hins alþjóðlega skipulags]. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf
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The Arctic is changing by Mark Nuttall.
Copyright Stefansson Arctic Institute and individual authors ©2000
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