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The Arctic is an Ecosystem
by Bill Heal
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Into The Seas And Oceans
  The early flush of spring melt water from the land generates a surge of cold water from the land surrounding the Arctic Ocean. Annually about 4000 cubic kilometers of water flows from the rivers. This is only about 2% of the water coming into the Ocean from the Atlantic and, to a much lesser extent, from the Bering Sea, but it is a high proportion compared with other oceans. It carries with it nutrients and sediment ground from the rocks by the glaciers. The coarser sediments are deposited as the flow rate decreases, especially over flat ground, but enormous amounts of fine silt are transported to the estuaries and seas.
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The Yenisey River passes about 6 million tonnes of sediment into the shallow Kara Sea each year, carried by the 600 cubic kilometers of water. In contrast, the Mackenzie River brings 7x more sediment to the Beaufort Sea although the water volume is only about half that of the Yenisey. The reason for the difference is that the Yenisey crosses flat frozen tundra while the catchment of the Mackenzie is shorter, steeper, with less permafrost and much exposed soil and rock. (see figure 11).
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The estuaries and deltas act as a major sediment trap, followed by the extensive continental shelf which extends up to 900km off Siberia. (see figure 12). Only 10-20% of particles from the Ob and.

Yenisey Rivers are transported beyond the borders of the deltas and the Kara Sea shelf. The Mackenzie Delta accumulates several centimeters of sediment through the year. Some of the sediment flows over the sea ice in spring, later it extends as a plume into the sea and flocculation continues the deposition process.

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The shape of the sea bottom, distance from shore, and ice cover determine the physical characteristics and processes over the continental shelf (see figure 13a and figure 13b). The water from the rivers and from sea ice cools the sea water over the shelf but the summer sun raises the shallow water temperatures up to 4-5°C in summer. The surface waters and the sea ice circulate in the Beaufort Gyre and generally move westwards from the eastern Arctic towards the Fram Strait where they exit into the North Atlantic.
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Sea ice extent in September and March and the major surface currents governing the transport of sea ice. The numbered lines show the expected time in years for the ice at that location to exit the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait.

It takes only 5-6 years for sea ice to move from the Chukchi Sea off Alaska to the Fram Strait although the general pattern masks many more localised movements (see figure 13). The warm waters influence temperatures on land and one useful consequences of the circulation pattern is that the temperature on Iceland is similar to that on Svalbard - but delayed by about 2 years!

As the cool surface water (near 0°C) with low salinity exits the Fram Strait it meets and overlaps with the warm (3.5- 6°C) water from the Atlantic. The warm water brings heat from the southern oceans of the World and is responsible for the Gulf Stream. It is the reason that Svalbard, Iceland and Western Europe have warmer climates than comparable latitudes in North America and Russia. As this warm, salty water reaches the Arctic and meets the cool waters escaping through the Fram Strait it becomes denser as it cools and sinks to deeper layers. This is a slow process but every winter several million cubic kilometers of water sink to deeper layers and move south on the bottom of the Atlantic. This is the 'Ocean Conveyer Belt' - the thermohaline circulation - that moves heat around the globe.

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The Arctic is an Ecosystem, by Bill Heal.
Copyright Stefansson Arctic Institute and individual authors ©2000
Developed in partnership with the EU Raphael Programme